December 1

“The Dead Shack” by Dylan Schweitnitz (1st year) – Halloween Horror Short Story

It all started on Hallowe’en when my friend George and I were dared to go into the Dead Shack, an abandoned woodcutter’s lodge in the heart of the dark forest.

‘‘Come on Mickey, just a bit of harmless fun.’’ He was wrong and he knew it. Dozens of thieves and murderers were found in the woods. All of them kill themselves. We had to be prepared in case we stumbled upon something we shouldn’t have. 23 hours later I met up with George. Our midnight antics would be the death of us, even though we didn’t know it yet. My name is Mickey Crowe, and this is the story of how I die.

It became more frightening the further we went. The trees became gnarled and twisted. Soon we caught sight of the Dead Shack. It reeked pure evil. A rotten pile of lumber sat on the side of the house. The tree line ended twenty meters before the door. The last few trees had bark that was so gnarled it looked like screaming faces were laced in with the wood. The house itself was made from the same dark wood. It was a windowless bungalow with a high placed roof. The dark wooden door was smashed from the inside. I didn’t like this one bit, but I took a deep breath and stepped into the towns deadliest house.

There was a noticeable change in the atmosphere. The air was dank and humid. There was a stale smell about the place. The floor was made of course black dirt. We were in a hallway with three doors. We chose the door to our left. Immediately, the stench of rotting corpses became apparent. There were about four rabbits and stag lying dead on the ground. At first, I thought the rats had done it but then I saw seven fat, rotted corpses of black rats nailed to the wall by their tails. Disgusted by the room, I walked out the door with George trailing behind.

The next room was the bathroom. The walls look as if they been freshly painted. I noticed some things in the bath. I curiously went over to check. I then realised what they were. They were heads of the missing criminals. They had maggots crawling all over their heads and into their eye sockets. I realised that the walls were covered with blood. A wave of sickness washed over me. I covered my mouth and ran out of the bathroom.

As we were checking the other rooms George suddenly stopped.

‘‘What is it?’’ I asked.

‘‘Nothing. It’s just, I heard a floorboard creak, but we’re standing on dirt. These words sent a chill down my spine. we turned to leave, but the door was replaced with a wall. We were trapped. We looked at the third door, then to each other.

‘‘Do you think it leads to outside?’’ asked George.

‘‘Only one way to find out.’’ I opened the door.

There was a flight of stairs leading downwards. At the bottom was a light from a torch. we nervously walked down the hallway into a room that had a door at the other end. We just got to the other end when a female voice called out softly

‘‘I hope you’re not leaving.’’

I turned to see a young girl facing the opposite way she had long, dark hair and a yellow summer dress

‘‘It gets awfully lonely in this house.’’ She whispered.

‘‘I just want friends to play with. People like me.’’

Suddenly, she turned. Her face was cracked like an old doll. Her eyes were gouged out and her mouth, chin and dress front were dripping with blood. she screamed with rage and launched herself at us. George screamed and turned to flee, but tripped instead. He started to crawl away but the girl grabbed his foot with her dirty hands. Then she was upon him. He was still screaming as she ripped his face to shreds and tore out his spine. I sprinted out the doorway as fast as possible.

After what seemed like hours of endless running, I came to room with a hole in the ceiling and a ladder protruding from it. I started to clamber up it when I heard a voice that filled me with dread.

‘‘Why are you leaving Mickey?’’

‘‘George, I thought you were dead.’’

‘‘I am,’’ replied George.

‘‘Elizabeth just wants friends. Friends like her. You’ll understand soon enough.’’

He turned. He looked just like the girl except for his face, which was horribly stitched up. In a flash he was upon me, tearing my flesh off in chunks. He gouged out my eyes and tore out my tongue. The pain. The blinding pain. It all ended when he snapped my neck.

‘‘Now we’re not lonely,” said George with a twisted smile.

December 1

“The Lady of the Lake” by Noah Murtagh (2nd Year) – Horror Short Story

“‘Lady of the lake’ was an old wives tale, a story to scare the children into behaving. Legend has it the vengeful spirit of La Loroma, Mexican widowed noble-woman, would return from her shallow grave, which overtime was eventually enveloped in the water of Larson lake, every Halloween, steal the face of a woman’s husband and pose as him for as long as she felt, then she would enamor the wife, forcefully leading her down to join la’Loroma in her watery grave. But of course, it’s just a myth, a mere story“.

Brooke hovered her hand indecisively over the keyboard before rubbing her eyes and slamming the laptop shut. It was this book that would make her financially stable again, it had to be. She got up and tiredly stumbled to the kitchen, oh boy she could just chug a coffee right now, the caffeine rush could get her writing double time. Brooke put the kettle on and sat up onto the counter, she took out her hearing aid and felt the delicious comfort of total silence. No ringing in her ears, no half hearing what people say, the scary solitude of total silence.

The kettle clicked and she walked over to it, hugging herself from the cold. She dropped a teaspoon of coffee into the hot water and let it brew. Then the voice in the back of her head piped up, “pour the coffee on your arm hunny, just feel the bliss of pain for a minute”. Brooke’s hand trembled on the cup, she put it down, reached shakily up to her cabinet and swallowed a few pills. The voice faded.

And then, breathing on the back of her neck. She swung round, connecting her elbow to something squishy, her husband clenched his stomach and presumably gasped. She grabbed her hearing aid, and sound rushed back into her reality, “hey” her husband Xavier said. Brooke crouched down to soothe him, “was on my lunch break and said I’d stop in” he groaned. They embraced and Brooke went back to her coffee business as Xavier heaved himself on to the couch. “You’re strong as hell,” he laughed. “Nope your just dramatic,” she responded. Brooke went over to get her coffee, as she picked it up she felt a voice creep into her head, “I’m the only thing you’ll ever hear clearly,” it said. “So just succumb to me”.

Brooke clutched at her head, and shrunk down to the floor, rocking, crying. “Get out of me,” she muttered. Xavier went to help but got a right hook to the jaw for his efforts. A familiar woman slowly began to form in front of her, the one from her usual hallucinations, everything was still. Xavier, unmoving in mid-air. Time was still. Brooke scrambled for the medicine cabinet. She pulled at it but it wouldn’t budge, she felt a blow to the back of her knee and she buckled, she turned her head to see a familiar woman, dawning a white nightgown. “Brooke darling, why won’t you take my hand, succumb to me. I can cure you, make you whole. Don’t you feel empty Brooke?” Brooke tried to stand but her legs didn’t cooperate.

“Walk with me Brooke, see what I have to show you”. Suddenly Brooke could stand again, she followed the woman to the broken splintered front door of her suddenly dilapidated house. Outside was a winding twisting forest, different to the usual urban street she lived on.

Brooke followed the woman down the path, with each step was a different emotion that overcame her. Then, they reached a pool of water, a sort of oasis. Within were about ten drowning women, Brooke fought the urge to join them. The lake dissipated and they continued to walk, no matter how much she tried she couldn’t stop following.

Next, they arrived at a door, within was a woman giving birth. Brooke’s mom. Brooke felt tears brimming in her eyes as she watched herself take her first breath, as her mother took her last. “You were easy,” the woman said “tragedy was destined for you, paved into your life, and I needed somebody to keep me on this ethereal plane, a vessel to stop me from passing through the veil. So I chose you, the girl with so many problems that nobody would believe if she said la loroma was inside her”. Brooke closed her eyes, “you’re not real,” she said. “Oh baby I’m way too real” the woman replied.

They continued to Walk and suddenly Brooke could see every tragedy from her life, every feeling, every emotion, the house fire, the car crash, the murder, the genocide. Brooke froze and la loroma smiled, “I think I broke you enough,” she smiled. “Make it stop,” Brooke moaned. “I can, just take my hand… succumb,” la loroma replied. Brooke looked down at her trembling hands, she’d never felt

anything like this before, never heard somebody so clear. So she held out her hand and became one with la loroma.

Suddenly everything was back, her house was normal, she was on her bed, she could hear Xavier in the living room. Except, Brooke was just the voice in la loromas head, la loroma had succeeded, she’d returned. “Xavierrr,” she called. “I have a killer surprise for you”.